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영어 학습 (어휘): 영어 Email 줄임말(FYI, EOD, COB,TBC, NRN 등등)

by 도솜이 2024. 9. 25.

영어로 이메일을 쓸 때 간단하게 축약된 줄임말을 사용한다. 이번에는 자주 사용하는 영어 줄임말을 정리해 본다.


1. FYI – For Your Information

Used to share information that may not require immediate action but is helpful to know.

  • Example: "FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled."

그리고 보통 누군가에서 (동급 혹은 하급) 직원에게 참고로 이메일을 보낼 때는 FYI 만 써서 Email을 전송한다.

2. EOD – End of Day

Refers to the close of the business day, typically used as a deadline.

  • Example: "Please submit the draft by EOD."

3. COB – Close of Business

Similar to EOD, meaning the end of the workday.

  • Example: "I need the files by COB today."

4. TBD – To Be Determined

Used when certain details (like dates, locations, etc.) have not yet been decided.

아직 확정된 사항이 없을 때 사용한다.

  • Example: "The meeting date is TBD."

5. TBC – To Be Confirmed

Indicates that something is not finalized but will be confirmed later.

  • Example: "The delivery time is TBC."

TBD와 TBC의 차이는 TBD는 아직 결정된 사항이 없는 경우이고, TBC는 결정된 사항은 있지만 최종 승인까지 절차가 남아있거나 좀 더 세부적으로 결정할 사항이 남아 있는 경우이다. 

  • Example: "The design team will be leading the project, but the exact team members are TBC."

6. NRN – No Reply Necessary

Used when you are providing information that does not require a response.

  • Example: "FYI, NRN."

7. ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival

Refers to when something or someone is expected to arrive or be completed.

  • Example: "What’s the ETA for the project report?"
